It’s a simple concept which of course is anything but simple in the complexity of being human and having a physical experience along with all the other aspects that are unseen.
Firstly, the big picture is the food industry is following suit with every other institution set up and its about money not health. To find health you need to get serious about real food and what is actually fake food in the name of making money.
So if you are serious about feeding your body with nourishing food it’s best to avoid supermarkets……but then what? We have become so reliant on supermarkets for food most have forgotten how to create food ourselves. Grow our own, trade for things we can not grow. I’m currently trading water kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi, pesto, chicken liver pate (though I bought chicken liver from an organic farm) and we trade or sell eggs. We get home kill beef, pork and lamb, this does require some extra freezer space! Talking to people, being conscious consumers, learning more about making our own has been an almost 20 year process which took a long time to cultivate. I began at almost 30 years old barely even knowing how to cook so there is hope for everyone! Yes I was one of those people who left home with zero cooking knowledge and then travelled the world finding myself in work scenarios that mostly provided food. When I say a 20 year process literally from scratch.
At landed life we believe in following the instincts around food and health. Listen to your body and its needs. Craving certain foods indicates the body is asking for minerals or nutrients missing. Sometimes we reach for things that don’t fill that gap not knowing what does. It’s a mind field in this day and age with processed foods taking up the predominant space in shops and supermarkets. Processed foods are generally dead food devoid of nutrients so it’s easy to eat a lot thinking that will fill the hunger and mineral/vitamin gaps.
We have chosen to go through extended times of whole foods and noticed the difference when eating this way! We generally avoid packaged foods as much as possible. Keeping it close to the land and soil – vegetables from the garden, bone broth, local organic meat, raw unprocessed milk, local honey, not too much grain and very little processed sugar. There are no right or wrong answers because every single body is different.
Healthy/happy thoughts are also important. Eat what you love and love what you eat. If your going down the processed food route at least don’t be super judgemental with yourself and if you choose create baby changes that are sustainable. Good water quality, exercise, healthy relationships, and having fun with life all play a part in how our bodies and minds function and feel.
A path I have recently been down is making a tea thats feels super nourishing and healing thanks to inspiration from my dear friend Lorella – rethinking plastic revolution, she’s a guru on switching it up to healthy habits in a fun easeful and delicious way!
I could list all the “health benefits” of this tea though who knows what it could be for you. What I know is my whole family love it especially for morning tea or before bed. There are not many things we all together, love around food and drink so its nice to hear a resounding yes, when I say I’m going to make some tea.
My Food Inspiration: Don Tolman FDR,
This will be part of our offering at Better put the kettle on……