Need a break – I’m Leaving!

By December 2023 I (Penny) was done living at the farm when Jason had clearly decided he was living on our land. As much as I enjoyed farm life and the cute little cottage with all our modern conveniences of hot and cold running water, flushing toilet, a sound and insulated house, fire place, yard and easy access I was ready to forego all of that for simple shed living, and to have our own place again including the joy of sharing parenting.

Myself and the girls had two small trips planned to go away then it was decided I would book three tickets to Australia to live with my family leaving February, Jason would have time and space to create our dream home, have things more set up for our return. Except we had one way flights which felt odd and indefinite. I particularly enjoy planning out things into the future so to be in limbo, not have a return date, isn’t generally my style. It turned out we were there for four months! Three months in North Queensland living with my parents, where my sister lives next door with her husband and two children. This time was very special for the generations to live together and be immersed in a life together. Then my sister, along with her two children drove us 2500km to my other sister in Southern NSW. It was an epic roadtrip where the 6 of us had a great time visiting other family and generally enjoying this time together. We arrived to our other sister and three girls to again enjoy sister time with all the children having quality cousin time together.

Finding the tracks of the very different wildlife

Mammoth roadtrip over 5 days.
The cousins…..
I learnt so much from my other sister about farming and living simply.

Meanwhile Jason was having a very quiet and productive time, albeit plenty of mates stopping in, to really progress this mammoth project. Needless to say after that amount of time I booked tickets home I missed him, our home and friends, our life too much. The girls took it all in their stride, never complaining though Grace did end up flying home ahead of Sunae and I, by a couple of weeks. The rendezvous’ were all so special and even though we came home to the middle of winter no fireplace, outdoor shower and kitchen sink, none of it mattered because we were together!

Making progress on Building

Since arriving home we have settled back into our semi routine of work, teen taxi driving, furthering our landed life project and throwing in some short snowboarding trips plus reestablishing the relationship with the horse, continuing the journey of horse learning. But the biggest thing I learnt is a deep sense of gratitude for what we have. Our lives don’t look like the average, job, house, kids schooling at all. In fact it looks entirely the opposite. We like to keep things more simple, have a little more time to stop, reflect, enjoy and ponder on where we are in this moment, where we would like to be heading. So there is plenty of intention around food, spending time in nature, spending time together, and most of all at this important time in the girls lives having time with them to ponder the bigger life questions. Their teen brains are busily reprogramming to be creators and experience more of the world without parents alongside! It is important to Jason and I to hear them, see them and honor the journey they are on as independent individuals forging their own path. They are so responsible and thoughtful with their choices. Most days Jason and I simply look at each other in amazement not and marvel together at these two incredible beings that have chosen to travel this life with us.

Snowboarding mini break.


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