Memorandum of Understanding’s
I’ve spent many years working with small groups of homeschooled children and my most favourite places to be with them is immersed in nature, it brings out the joy, fun and curiosity in everyone.
We can be found out on local beaches or in some natural bush reserves around our area. Private property with natural bush and river or up in the redwood forest on Mount Taranaki. There are so many options for magical places to be and learn together remembering our connections. We interact with the elements, run nature connection games, make crafts from nature and enjoy positive uplifting relationships.
Recently I was drawn to offer my nature program to school children. Te Hiringa means “inspired” in Te Reo Māori and true to LandedLife form, I am inspired to continually learn, grow and evolve where my inspiration takes me. Part of offering to school young people a one day a week program, out of school, immersed in nature is creating a memorandum of understanding’s so the school children are marked as present and at this program for the day which is supported by the school.
I am grateful to have the support of our local school to create this document and the connections I very much value, as our local school is a central piece to our community.
Te Hiringa connected learning abides by the Ministry of Educations guidelines and regulations by having qualified educators registered with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, to run the for schools program, along with a current first aid certificate. Ongoing professional development includes completing yearly OC:EL courses with John Lawry in Auckland plus seasonal courses with to deepen understanding of how learning happens in nature. Te Hiringa holds the Values, Culture and Language of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa as a central part of our learning and can produce national standards and assessment if required by parents and/or teachers.
We are all about inclusion and equity at Te Hiringa, ensuring young people have access to our program to the best of our abilities. Learning differences receive the support they need to thrive within our ability.
Health and Safety is of utmost importance. The conversations are rich and deep to support all learners to be self responsible recognize the risk benefits and understand their own boundaries and capabilities. This occurs with more autonomy and sustained respectful relationship building, and includes any mental well-being issues which are addressed naturally within our program. If bullying becomes apparent which has been a rare occurrence in the years I have been running Te Hiringa it is brought to light with a council circle to allow everyone to speak authentically about their experience, cause and effect in relationship and how to move back into a connected space with deep listening practice. From this experience, needs are uncovered so relationships can remain intact and healthy
Food is provided by parents and snacks that are cooked over the fire are nutritious and based on healthy eating habits.
A fee is charged to parents for their tamariki to join this program. Price is supplied on inquiry and flexible considering the income needs facilitators and income of parents.
Rights and Responsibilities are in a living document supplied to participants and their parents. Mutual respect is fostered and discussed often as this is a personal journey so what it looks and feels like can be different depending on different people/background/belief systems and understandings. We have shared understandings to clarify how we work as a group and tikanga for the day to day behavior guidelines supporting kindness and mutual respect, reciprocity and secure relationships.
Any funding or donations forwarded to Te Hiringa Connected Learning goes to the children who want to participate and financially are not in a position to afford.
If you would like to support a child to spend the day outdoors in nature in a supportive program that fosters love, trust, mutual respect, deep respect for nature and all living things, relationships and connection to self, each other and the earth please do or pass this opportunity on to someone who may be a position to donate.
Te Hiringa Connected Learning 38-9018-0796263-01