We are told as children we can’t be trusted, have you ever analysed that within yourself? How much do you second guess your choices, or not feel “good enough”. To learn to trust takes some intentional action, and then to trust one’s children is the next layer of learning that can change the face of how you relate to your child/ren and yourself. It’s all in the language and there are plenty of toxic messages whipping around us constantly in this current world, through media and various institutions. Except you can switch it off, you can surround yourself with those that lift you up, honour your choices and trust you.

So here at landed.life we have learnt to trust ourselves by trusting our children. It wasn’t immediate but baby steps right from the start, treating them with respect and integrity, as whole beings who are gifted with a knowing that we can nurture in them just like a seed we can water and observe the changes. I remember a time when I shut my 2.5 year old out the glass sliding door. She looked up at me with sad eyes, I immediately knew I was in the wrong, all she had done was play with rubbish on the floor, have fun! I had seen more mess I had to clean up and felt angry by taking it out on her. That 2.5 year old is now 15, she is an incredibly connected being, we just drove back from Wellington and talked the whole way about life, loss, shame, love. I learnt to trust her very being and the reward is a beautiful daughter who trusts me and can be open and honest with where she is at.

That may sound simplified and easy, except our world has gone mad with over complicating EVERYTHING. Children just want to have fun, we can all have fun too if we choose. I hear some of you saying “I have to work”. Yes I here you, making money is something that is a non negotiable in this world. Making money doing what you love can be a thing. Do you trust yourself enough to take one baby step towards that. 

Sometimes it’s easier to remember how to have fun from our children, or simply think about what brings you joy and do that. Trust your knowing, your intuition, it’s a magical gift most have lost touch with.

I sometimes ponder if anxiety and the many social issues we currently collectively face are simply that loss of connection with oneself and one’s inner knowing. When parents/caregivers/teachers/doctors/dentists/lawyers are telling you how it is and you’re living by others expectations and rules, you have lost touch with your inner knowing and trust is out the window.

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you trust yourself to ………… you fill in the gap (HINT: ask for that pay rise, take that trip that has been on your bucket list, tell that special person you love them, hang out at the beach ALL DAY, take a dance lesson, fill your cup)


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